Saturday, March 10, 2018

Remembering spring...and my Dad

Each spring, I look back at this picture and it reminds me to be hopeful. Spring WILL come even if we have a late snow. If you look closely, you'll see my Dad on the left.

When I was growing up in Lorain, Ohio, my Dad was Superintendent of Streets. That meant he was in charge of street repairs and maintenance. 

Winters were hard back then. Once it began snowing in December, we rarely saw the grass again until a March or April thaw. Winters seemed endless. Although as kids, we loved the snow. We built forts and had snowball fights with all our neighborhood friends. It was a great time to be a kid.

There was another side to all that snow. For me, snow meant that my Dad had to go to work. It didn't matter what day or time. If it snowed more than an inch, my dad's job was to call out all the crews who drove the plows to clean the streets. He hated calling them when it was in the middle of the night. He hated calling them when they were spending time with their families.

But we were a family, too. I recall so many Christmases when my Dad would have to call out the crews and go to work himself. It seemed so unfair.

But I learned something from my Dad. He cared for his family with a huge heart and endless love. I knew that. I felt that. But he taught me what it meant to work hard and do what's right. So as he left for work, I knew that he would be home again and we would be celebrating Christmas together. 


  1. What a lovely opportunity to remember your dad. We are thinking of spring as well - and wishing it would come...

  2. What a great photo! It's so interesting to get a glimpse of what it's like for the people making the decisions about plowing, and for their families. (and I have to fan-girl for a moment--I love your book Day to Day Assessment. It really impacted my teaching. Thank you for all your writing!)

  3. You dad sounds like he was great. Caring for your city and your family. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Lovely. Just like your dad's hard work would always come to an end and he'd be home, you are right, spring will come. Even if it doesn't always feel like it is on its way. Love that picture.

  5. Karen, Boy, could I relate to your post! As I sit here at his desk writing my comment, your line "But he taught me what it meant to work hard and do what's right" unleashed a flood of memories. Thank you.

  6. I love the way you include a picture to help us visualize that need and desire for spring on the hood of your dad’s car. The tone of this peace, tho nostalgic, leaves me with a hopeful outlook on hard work and struggle.

  7. Thank you for this writing. Love the memories and the message ! Love getting to see a picture of your dad❤️. Thank you.

  8. I love the photo - so timely in Boston right now. There are always so many points of view. I feel that way about my husband. He is a pediatrician at Children's Hospital Boston -- because he can get there by train he is often mandated to work during any weather emergencies. So, just when I want him home - he has to go. I totally understand it - but it is still hard.
