I made a quick stop at the library today on the way to babysit my grandchildren. Of course, I left with a stack of books we all enjoyed. There is something special about sharing a stack of new picture books with your grandchildren. These books would also be great additions to the classroom library and great choices for read-aloud.

by Kate Berube
I loved this story of a little girl, Hannah, who is afraid of the dog, Sugar. One day Sugar is missing and Hannah sets out to find the dog. Hannah overcomes her fears and learns to love Sugar. It's a great story about overcoming fears and loving a pet.
The Whale
by Vita Murrow and Ethan Murrow
I was fascinated by The Whale. This wordless picture book was written by Vita Murrow and illustrated in beautiful graphite sketches by Ethan Murrow.
I think this wordless picture book is well-suited for the upper elementary classroom and older students.
There's a legend that a great spotted whale was seen 50 years ago but it has never been proven. Two young whale watchers set out to look for the whale. One has sound-recording equipment. The other has a camera. A well-told story with all the drama the ocean has to offer.
Willow's Smile
by Lana Button
Many of our children will be lining up for school pictures this fall. This is the story of Willow who has a difficult time smiling on picture day. When she has a chance to help the photographer she realizes that her friends have unique looks of their own. And when it's time for Willow's picture she knows that she just needs to be herself.
This is a great book to share in the fall when picture day is right around the corner.