Wednesday, March 6, 2019


This post is for Day 6 of the 2019 Slice of Life Challenge. Thanks to the Two Writing Teachers for bringing this community of writers together to share our writing in the month of March.


Write with wonder
as if you've seen the world anew
or searched deep into those memories
that stay close to your heart

Reflect on the words you've written 
ponder what you've said (or didn't say)
write the words that resonate 
with clarity and truth

Inspire and influence
with your carefully chosen words 
rouse the thoughts that speak
of who you are and the world you know

Tell in the clearest way you can
the parts of you that need to be written
reveal your reality and
impart your deepest sense of knowing

Entrust your writing to the world
let your words emerge and rise up
impart what you know so others
can feel the beat of your heart