Sunday, March 17, 2019


 This post is for Day 17 of the 2019 Slice of Life Challenge. Thanks to the Two Writing Teachers for bringing this community of writers together to share our writing in the month of March.

I have been nursing a respiratory infection for a week. I've been miserable but will not be complaining here. I know at some point I will be feeling better. But where did my energy go? I haven't felt like doing anything but sitting in my favorite chair in the living room!

However, I needed a few groceries today. So I set out this morning with my list of what I needed. We were out of milk and how could we go on without a gallon of milk in the fridge! My list wasn't long so I entered the store and started collecting what I needed. It wasn't long before my feet started feeling heavy and I would need to finish. I checked off my list and headed home. Oh, but when I got home I still needed to put those groceries away!

Then I realized that I needed to do a load of laundry. So I marched down the steps to the basement, sorted the laundry, put a load in the washer and made my way back upstairs. It wouldn't be long before I needed to switch the clothes from the washer to the drier. So I made another trip downstairs and upstairs and back downstairs and upstairs to bring the load of clothes up because I needed to fold them.

So many other little things needed to get done today. Somehow I managed enough energy to do them - at least most of them. But wait! Tomorrow is Monday and I have a boxing class to go to at the gym. 

We'll see!