Thursday, March 10, 2016

It's the Small Differences

          I am participating in the  
          March Slice of Life Challenge
          Each day we post our thoughts. 
          Thank you, Two Writing Teachers

          Day 10 - It's the Small Differences

We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big
difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which,
over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.

--Marian Wright Edelman

Dear Children,

I am here. 
And I will be here each day
Encouraging, teaching, observing.

I hope to make a big difference in your life.
How can I help you?
What do you need?

Each day we spend together
I see you taking tiny steps
Toward who you can become.

It's the smile I see
When you realize 
That you have learned something new.

It's the times I recognize
That you need a pat on the back
And someone standing near you for support.

It's the bounce in your step as you leave the room 
For recess with your friends.
A new-found confidence in your step.

It's the excitement I see
When you enter the classroom
Each day more eager to learn.

Those small steps are adding up
To the big differences 
In your life as a learner.

I am here

To watch you grow
One small difference at a time.


  1. Karen this is beautiful -- what a wonderful tribute to teachers. It is true that teachers stay the course - day in and day out- celebrating and cheering every step of the way. Thank you for sharing - I am going to share it with teachers this week!

  2. I agree with Clare! I love how you show your love and support of these children through your words. They are learners, you are correct, and they are learning more than just academics from you. You are a gift every day to them. Great slice!

  3. Thank you, Karen, for sharing your beautiful teacher-heart and you summed it up so well in three little words, “I am here.” The quote at the beginning of your piece arrested my attention. With a myriad of assessments shadowing our classrooms, we need to guard against ignoring the “small daily things.” Thank you for reminding us.

  4. So summed up a teaching heart perfectly.

  5. One small difference at a time. That is all we can do as teachers. Beautiful post.
