The weekend started out quite promising. On Friday evening, I spent a couple hours reading blogs. I am looking for some good principal blogs. If you know of any, please send them my way. I also started reading THE GLASS CASTLE by Jeanette Walls. It has been on my stack forever and had made up my mind that it would be my first read this weekend.

On Saturday morning, I met fellow bloggers from Columbus for a great breakfast at North Star. Since I am new to blogging, it was nice to get together with other folks who have much more experience in the blogging world (Stella of My World - Mi Mundo, Mary Lee and Franki of A Year of Reading, Katie of Creative Literacy, Abby of Authentic Learner, and Karen and Bill of Literate Lives). After breakfast and great conversations we moved to
Cover To Cover Children's Books, our favorite

children's bookstore. Good food! Good conversation! Good books! it doesn't
get any better than that.
Of course, we all left with a stack of books to read for the weekend!
Here are my choices for the 48 Hour Book Challenge:
Something Old: THE GLASS CASTLE by Jeanette Walls
Something New: GREETING FROM NOWHERE by Barbara O'Connor
Something Borrowed: THE THING ABOUT GEORGE by Lisa Graff
Something Blue: WAITING FOR NORMAL by Leslie Connor
It's Sunday morning and I will continue to read the rest of the day. If I don't get through my four books, I have a great "next read" stack for the coming weeks. Happy Reading!